(Black Feminism & Movement for Black Lives-Video/event)
Something that stood out to me the most after watching this event was Charline Carruther's words on policing. The way police view Black women in America is a problem. They think women who identify as Black-American are a threat in our society. the minority living in the United States, while more White women who live here in the same area Black women feel loved and respected. As Carruther's mentions during the event, she says "If Black women were to be free, then all people would be free" meaning everyone would have equal rights, opportunities, and chances to live in a better environment where they feel safe, but that is not case here. More Black women in our society are more likely to go prison than women of different race. As many of you know, "Prisons aren't safe for anybody", especially for women who identify as person of color. I think Charlene did a great job expressing to the crowd how "Prisons should not exist" as women of color end up getting into consequences for crimes they did not commit. If police did not live in out society, Black women would have peace and justice. Every person deserves to be treated with respect. As I have a different identity, I must respect the great actions from Black-Americans and help women feel supported. I do not have anything against them, but I would not cause harm to them as police would. They are here to receive freedom and find joy in their community. I want to help them find the fun and make them feel as they belong in our society. (Video to the Breonna Taylor Shooting)
A lot of us ask, "When will racism end in America". As violence keeps happening in our society, it is unknown when people will stop being a threat to others for being different. The case of Breonna Taylor can relate to the event I saw as Charline says in her presentation, "Police should not exist". As you may know, the officers who shot Breonna Taylor has not been sentenced to prison after killing someone innocent. As Reina Gossett mentions in her event about The Movement for Black Lives, the people who are causing harm are the ones taking control of our society. Police seek for Black people in order to make them feel as they do not belong in our community. The damage they have done to Breonna Taylor is something known as "Racial Profiling". They must stop making assumptions on people just by their race. Race does not tell us who we are, it is only a part of our identity. This news spreaded everywhere in our country, which is why I think it is a good source to use to help people understand women of color are innocent. If we start treating them with respect, it will show us why they are living in this country as well as getting to know their identity. This issue is still being seen today, which is why we must put an end to racism.
End Adultification Bias (Video to End Adultification Bias)
This presentation also connects to End Adultification Bias, where I learned how young Black girls were being oppressed in their schools. It is also one of the videos/readings read for this course this semester. When watching the feelings of female students who identify as person of color, I knew they were all trying their best to be active in school, but no matter how hard they worked to succeed, their teachers would not tolerate them or appreciate them for working to the best of their ability. Something from the video that stood out to me the most was the mistakes both Black-American and White-American females make. As mentioned, "A white girl's mistakes might be met with sympathy and understanding, but time after time, black girls are punished instead because they are held to a more adult standard of behavior", which I believe should not happen. The only thing different between both students are race, but that should not separate them from having equal opportunities in education. Many staff I saw from watching this video were viewing Black female students as "Disrespectful", which is something harsh to say to a student of color who respect others even if they are of a different background. If someone were to ask me as an educator what I think about Black-American girls in their education, I would tell them how respectful/kind they are and give them the chance to succeed. If they make mistakes, I would not find a path to get them in trouble for causing the wrong action, but I would help them fix it.
After seeing all this, I learned that the movement for Black lives has to do with identity and care. As a caring educator, I want to treat each person equally as a whole class. All of us has a different identity, which shows who we are and why we are here. When I get a chance to teach young students of color, I want them to feel motivated to talk about their identity as I want to show my care for them as well as respecting the kind of person they are. Without getting a chance to know them, I will not be able to know the individual I am when getting to work with youth. All this has helped me learned more about the different situations Black-American girls face as well as the struggles they have when living in this society. No matter what grade I get to teach, racism is the first thing I want to teach as I did not get a chance to learn about the topic until early college. The earlier students learn about different cultural identities, the better they will be able to live with people of all different aspects and have the opportunity to work with them in areas such as education, jobs, etc.
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